Record Detail

William Johnson Coulthard from Longtown, Cumberland and Sandy Guthrie from Darvel, construction workers building the Brushes Estate

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William Johnson Coulthard from Longtown, Cumberland and Sandy Guthrie from Darvel, construction workers building the Brushes Estate

William Johnson Coulthard born 23rd September 1902. After serving his time as a joiner with his father Graham (a joiner undertaker of 19 Swan Street, Longtown, Cumberland) his father thought he should have a wider experience so he joined men from various parts of the country (and believed a London firm had the scheme in hand ) in the early 1920s in building the Brushes Estate in Sheffield. The men practised a type of factory build on the site, one of William's jobs was making stairs, others made window frames, roof trusses, doors etc. this meant they could constuct quickly. On Bank Holidays groups of them visited Bakewell, Chatsworth and other places. William stayed with the Ripley family at 81 Bolsover Road. He returned to Cumberland and spent most of his working life with the Carlisle and District [State] Management Scheme, starting as a joiner, then works foreman. In later life he was awarded the British Empire Medal for his service.

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