Record Detail

Brook Cottages, Upwell Street, Grimesthorpe, built in 1703

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Brook Cottages, Upwell Street, Grimesthorpe, built in 1703
George Launders

The Grimesthorpe Prize Band (conductor Mr. H. Mercer) was first formed in the cottage extreme right. (according to an account by George Launders) From information in Local Pamphlets No. 176 The Grimesthorpe Prize Band first had their practice room in the parlour of Mr. S. Wilson (the drummer), in old Grimesthorpe and is one of the rooms in that picturesque old cottage which faces the bottom of the jennel, and lies at the back of the Bowling Green Public House. 1881 Census RG 4663 87 Ball Yard Upwell Street 2 Samuel Wilson age 38 + wife Ann 1891 Census 3855 Upwell Street 15 House Court 2 Samuel Wilson age 45 + wife Ann

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