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1Drawing of Sir Frederick Mappin (1821 - 1910)ov00178

Drawing of Sir Frederick Mappin (1821 - 1910)

2Henry Seebohm (1832 - 1895), steel manufacturerov00185

Henry Seebohm (1832 - 1895), steel manufacturer

3Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.8.17q00083

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.8.17

4Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.8.18q00084

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.8.18

5Front cover of the first issue of The Bee (a satirical newspaper)y15420

Front cover of the first issue of The Bee (a satirical newspaper)

6Advertisement for Clement Gilfourd, art dealer, carver, gilder and picture frame maker, No. 135 Norfolk Streety15421

Advertisement for Clement Gilfourd, art dealer, carver, gilder and picture frame maker, No. 135 Norfolk Street

7Advertisement for W. F. Pilch, outfitter, No. 39 New Surrey Streety15422

Advertisement for W. F. Pilch, outfitter, No. 39 New Surrey Street

8Advertisement for A. and G. Taylor, art photographers, No. 101 Norfolk Streety15423

Advertisement for A. and G. Taylor, art photographers, No. 101 Norfolk Street

9Advertisement for J. B. Parker, [umbrella manufacturers] Umbrella Works, Broom Closey15424

Advertisement for J. B. Parker, [umbrella manufacturers] Umbrella Works, Broom Close

10Advertisement for the Mantle Warehouse, Nos. 16 and 18 Fargatey15425

Advertisement for the Mantle Warehouse, Nos. 16 and 18 Fargate

Found 11198 records.

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