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1Rockingham Gate, looking towards (centre) No. 3 Top Wok Chinese restaurantt13470

Rockingham Gate, looking towards (centre) No. 3 Top Wok Chinese restaurant

2Furnival Street looking towards Furnival Squaret13471

Furnival Street looking towards Furnival Square

3Brown Lanet13472

Brown Lane

4Brown Lanet13473

Brown Lane

5Mortimer Streett13474

Mortimer Street

6Part of Trinity Methodist Church, Highfield Placet13475

Part of Trinity Methodist Church, Highfield Place

7Bates Street from junction with (foreground) Springvale Roadt13476

Bates Street from junction with (foreground) Springvale Road

8Hallamshire Proprietary Bowling Club, junction of (right) No. 58 Hands Road  and (left) Townend Street t13477

Hallamshire Proprietary Bowling Club, junction of (right) No. 58 Hands Road and (left) Townend Street

9Springvale Road, Crookest13478

Springvale Road, Crookes

10Hallamshire House public house, No. 49 Common Side t13480

Hallamshire House public house, No. 49 Common Side

Found 8532 records.

Page of 854.