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1St Vincent's Church, Solly Street - derelict before renovationa07384

St Vincent's Church, Solly Street - derelict before renovation

2St Vincent's Church, Solly Street - derelict before renovationa07385

St Vincent's Church, Solly Street - derelict before renovation

3St Vincent's Church, Solly Street - derelict before renovationa07386

St Vincent's Church, Solly Street - derelict before renovation

4St Vincent's Church, Solly Street - derelict before renovationa07387

St Vincent's Church, Solly Street - derelict before renovation

5Steel guide track taken in former premises of Charles T. Skelton and Co, tool manufacturer, Sheaf Bank Works, Heeleya03322

Steel guide track taken in former premises of Charles T. Skelton and Co, tool manufacturer, Sheaf Bank Works, Heeley

6Men's entrance to Heeley swimming baths, Broadfield Roada03323

Men's entrance to Heeley swimming baths, Broadfield Road

7Female entrance, Heeley swimming baths, Broadfield Roada03324

Female entrance, Heeley swimming baths, Broadfield Road

8Decoration on drainpipe at Hen and Chickens public house, No. 3 Castle Greena03325

Decoration on drainpipe at Hen and Chickens public house, No. 3 Castle Green

9Hen and Chickens public house, No. 3 Castle Greena03326

Hen and Chickens public house, No. 3 Castle Green

10Decoration on drainpipe at Hen and Chickens public house, No. 3 Castle Greena03327

Decoration on drainpipe at Hen and Chickens public house, No. 3 Castle Green

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Page of 1092.