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Found 8532 records

Page of 854.

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1Unidentified group of bathersv05127

Unidentified group of bathers

2Unidentified group v05128

Unidentified group

3Unidentified childrenv05129

Unidentified children

4Unidentified childv05130

Unidentified child

5Unidentified childv05131

Unidentified child

6Unidentified childrenv05132

Unidentified children

7Unidentified women outside housev05133

Unidentified women outside house

8Unidentified childrenv05134

Unidentified children

9Unidentified groupu12452

Unidentified group

10William Whitworth on his boneshaker bicycle, Burrowlee House, Burrowlee Roadu12489

William Whitworth on his boneshaker bicycle, Burrowlee House, Burrowlee Road

Found 8532 records.

Page of 854.