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1Former Middlewood Hospital (latterly Middlewood Lodge) before renovation as apartmentst13750

Former Middlewood Hospital (latterly Middlewood Lodge) before renovation as apartments

2Shoulder of Mutton Inn, No. 19 Top Road, Worrallt13751

Shoulder of Mutton Inn, No. 19 Top Road, Worrall

3Carver Lane looking towards Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd., jeans and overall factory, Nos. 70 - 82 West Streett13752

Carver Lane looking towards Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd., jeans and overall factory, Nos. 70 - 82 West Street

4Rear of offices, Hartsheadt13753

Rear of offices, Hartshead

5Rear of offices, Hartsheadt13754

Rear of offices, Hartshead

6Construction of new D. C. Cook car showroom, Pomona Street and junction with Summerfield Streett13755

Construction of new D. C. Cook car showroom, Pomona Street and junction with Summerfield Street

7Carver Street Methodist Church, from Carver Lanet13756

Carver Street Methodist Church, from Carver Lane

8York Street looking towards High Street showing (left) Sheffield Newspapers Ltd. offices t13757

York Street looking towards High Street showing (left) Sheffield Newspapers Ltd. offices

9Remains of front elevation of Loxley Congregational Chapel, Loxley Roadt13940

Remains of front elevation of Loxley Congregational Chapel, Loxley Road

10Remains of front elevation of Loxley Congregational Chapel, Loxley Roadt13941

Remains of front elevation of Loxley Congregational Chapel, Loxley Road

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