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1Sheffield Central Library: Local Studies Librarya07961

Sheffield Central Library: Local Studies Library

2Jo Peel and Mark McClure mural - APG Works, Sidney Street, Sheffielda07514

Jo Peel and Mark McClure mural - APG Works, Sidney Street, Sheffield

3Launch of Sheffield's first Women and Girls Night-Time Safety Chartera07497

Launch of Sheffield's first Women and Girls Night-Time Safety Charter

4Launch of Sheffield's first Women and Girls Night-Time Safety Chartera07498

Launch of Sheffield's first Women and Girls Night-Time Safety Charter

5Out of this World, Sheffield's free festival of sci-fi, magic and Halloween a07499

Out of this World, Sheffield's free festival of sci-fi, magic and Halloween

6Vendors at the Fargate containers had a busy weekend welcoming visitors as the doors opened on Saturdaya07500

Vendors at the Fargate containers had a busy weekend welcoming visitors as the doors opened on Saturday

7Rugby League World Cup - Scotland's team, based in Sheffielda07501

Rugby League World Cup - Scotland's team, based in Sheffield

8Rugby League World Cup - wheelchair fixtures, English Institute of Sporta07502

Rugby League World Cup - wheelchair fixtures, English Institute of Sport

9Women's Euros - Sky Sports bus on Pinstone Streeta07503

Women's Euros - Sky Sports bus on Pinstone Street

10Plaque by the Goodwin Fountain, Town Hall Square, dedicated to the memory of Percy Rileya07504

Plaque by the Goodwin Fountain, Town Hall Square, dedicated to the memory of Percy Riley

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