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1Curzon Cinema, 16 George Streeta07505

Curzon Cinema, 16 George Street

2War memorial, Shiregreen Cemeterya07506

War memorial, Shiregreen Cemetery

3War memorial, Shiregreen Cemeterya07507

War memorial, Shiregreen Cemetery

4Grand slam 22,0000 lb (10,000 kg) earthquake bomb at the Yorkshire Air Museuma07508

Grand slam 22,0000 lb (10,000 kg) earthquake bomb at the Yorkshire Air Museum

5Steel Yard Kelham, retail hub and events space, Bardwell Roada07509

Steel Yard Kelham, retail hub and events space, Bardwell Road

6Site of mortuary chapel, Wardsend Cemeterya07510

Site of mortuary chapel, Wardsend Cemetery

7Demonstration against the government of Iran, Pinstone Streeta07511

Demonstration against the government of Iran, Pinstone Street

8Demonstration against the government of Iran, Pinstone Streeta07512

Demonstration against the government of Iran, Pinstone Street

9BP Petrol Station, Bramall Lanea07513

BP Petrol Station, Bramall Lane

10Just Stop Oil protest, Shoreham Streeta07523

Just Stop Oil protest, Shoreham Street

Found 7522 records.

Page of 753.