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1Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP talking with employees of the Pattern Shop during visit to Newton Chambers Ltd., Thornbridge Ironworksarc07719

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP talking with employees of the Pattern Shop during visit to Newton Chambers Ltd., Thornbridge Ironworks

2Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall in the canteen during their visit to Newton Chambers Ltd., Thornbridge Ironworksarc07720

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall in the canteen during their visit to Newton Chambers Ltd., Thornbridge Ironworks

3Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP conducting the children's band during the visit to the Boys Brigade camp at Castleton, Derbyshirearc07724

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP conducting the children's band during the visit to the Boys Brigade camp at Castleton, Derbyshire

4Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall meeting employees during the visit to Newton Chambers Ltd., Thornbridge Ironworksarc07721

Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall meeting employees during the visit to Newton Chambers Ltd., Thornbridge Ironworks

5Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall meeting employees during the visit to Newton Chambers Ltd., Thornbridge Ironworksarc07722

Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall meeting employees during the visit to Newton Chambers Ltd., Thornbridge Ironworks

6Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall visiting the Boys Brigade camp at Castleton, Derbyshirearc07723

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall visiting the Boys Brigade camp at Castleton, Derbyshire

7Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and the Lady Mayoress visiting the Boys Brigade camp at Castleton, Derbyshirearc07725

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and the Lady Mayoress visiting the Boys Brigade camp at Castleton, Derbyshire

8Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP attending a bowls match at Fir Vale House (Fir Vale Hospital)arc07726

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP attending a bowls match at Fir Vale House (Fir Vale Hospital)

9Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP attending a bowls match at Fir Vale House (Fir Vale Hospital)arc07727

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP attending a bowls match at Fir Vale House (Fir Vale Hospital)

10Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP attending a bowls match at Fir Vale House (Fir Vale Hospital)arc07728

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP attending a bowls match at Fir Vale House (Fir Vale Hospital)

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