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1Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.8.8q00079

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.8.8

2Advertisement for Cole Brothers, general outfitters and practical shirtmakers, Church Street and Fargatey15054

Advertisement for Cole Brothers, general outfitters and practical shirtmakers, Church Street and Fargate

3Advertisement for the pantomime, 'Robinson Crusoe', at the Lyceum Theatrey15055

Advertisement for the pantomime, 'Robinson Crusoe', at the Lyceum Theatre

4Advertisement for Wreghitt's, hats, ties and guinea waterproofs, Nos. 203 - 207 Sheffield Moory15056

Advertisement for Wreghitt's, hats, ties and guinea waterproofs, Nos. 203 - 207 Sheffield Moor

5Advertisement for Hiller's, polonies, sausages and pork pies, No. 36 The Moory15057

Advertisement for Hiller's, polonies, sausages and pork pies, No. 36 The Moor

6Advertisement for the pantomime Dick Whittington at the Alexandra Theatre, Blonk Streety15058

Advertisement for the pantomime Dick Whittington at the Alexandra Theatre, Blonk Street

7Advertisement for Duncan Gilmour and Co., wine and spirit merchants, Dixon Laney15059

Advertisement for Duncan Gilmour and Co., wine and spirit merchants, Dixon Lane

8Advertisement for Duncan Gilmour and Co., Windsor ales and stouts, Windsor Brewery, Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool. Head office, Dixon Lane, Sheffieldy15060

Advertisement for Duncan Gilmour and Co., Windsor ales and stouts, Windsor Brewery, Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool. Head office, Dixon Lane, Sheffield

9Advertisement for Meggitt's lawn renovator. Samuel Meggitt and Sons Ltd., Effingham Roady15061

Advertisement for Meggitt's lawn renovator. Samuel Meggitt and Sons Ltd., Effingham Road

10Programme advertising a Smoking Concert at The Pavilion, Bramall Lane [cricket ground]y15062

Programme advertising a Smoking Concert at The Pavilion, Bramall Lane [cricket ground]

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