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1St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, schools and presbytery, Handswortharc04436

St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, schools and presbytery, Handsworth

2St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, cryptsarc04437

St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, crypts

3St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, St Joseph's Rd, Handswortharc04438

St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, St Joseph's Rd, Handsworth

4St. Charles' Roman Catholic Church and school, St. Charles' Street, Attercliffearc04439

St. Charles' Roman Catholic Church and school, St. Charles' Street, Attercliffe

5Sketch design for St. Catherine's Roman Catholic Church, schools, etc., Andover Streetarc04440

Sketch design for St. Catherine's Roman Catholic Church, schools, etc., Andover Street

6Design for school chapel No. 2, Bamford [Derbyshire]arc04441

Design for school chapel No. 2, Bamford [Derbyshire]

7Derwent Hallarc04443

Derwent Hall

8Derwent Hall - floor plansarc04442

Derwent Hall - floor plans

9Derwent Hall - floor plans showing completion of alterations and additions for His Grace the Duke of Norfolkarc04444

Derwent Hall - floor plans showing completion of alterations and additions for His Grace the Duke of Norfolk

10Derwent Hall - plan, etc of boiler in cellararc04445

Derwent Hall - plan, etc of boiler in cellar

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