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1Former premises of T. Clarke, hotel supplies and bar fitters, No. 137 Arundel Street and junction of Charles Street, formerly St. Paul's Mission Room and Infant Schoolt15437

Former premises of T. Clarke, hotel supplies and bar fitters, No. 137 Arundel Street and junction of Charles Street, formerly St. Paul's Mission Room and Infant School

2Former quarry off Archer Roadt15438

Former quarry off Archer Road

3Group posing for artist Paul Waplington on Fargate on National Arts Day, early 1980st16200

Group posing for artist Paul Waplington on Fargate on National Arts Day, early 1980s

4Paul Waplington, artist, Fargate during National Arts Day, early 1980st16201

Paul Waplington, artist, Fargate during National Arts Day, early 1980s

5Paul Waplington, artist, Fargate during National Arts Day, early 1980st16202

Paul Waplington, artist, Fargate during National Arts Day, early 1980s

6Paul Waplington, artist, Fargate during National Arts Day, early 1980st16203

Paul Waplington, artist, Fargate during National Arts Day, early 1980s

7Sue Graves, Fargate during National Arts Day, early 1980st16204

Sue Graves, Fargate during National Arts Day, early 1980s

8Junction of (left) Burton Road, (centre) Neepsend Lane and (right) Rutland Roadt15441

Junction of (left) Burton Road, (centre) Neepsend Lane and (right) Rutland Road

9'Wicked old witch', by Lea Booker, Lowedges Nursery and Infant School, Lowedges Road. Exhibited during Children's Art, 9 Mar - 14 Apr 1985 t16205

'Wicked old witch', by Lea Booker, Lowedges Nursery and Infant School, Lowedges Road. Exhibited during Children's Art, 9 Mar - 14 Apr 1985

10Unnamed curator from Moscow, USSR, at the exhibition '[Vladimir] Mayakovsky - 20 years of work' sitting in the Graves Art Gallery, Surrey Streett16206

Unnamed curator from Moscow, USSR, at the exhibition '[Vladimir] Mayakovsky - 20 years of work' sitting in the Graves Art Gallery, Surrey Street

Found 1471 records.

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