And it came to pass in the days of the prophet Malletti,
That the children of the tribe of Planners laboured
Many days and nights under the Archangel Michael;
And they produced a wondrous document;
And the multitude were sore amazed and questioned among themselves saying ''what manner of thing is this?''
The word spread and wise men came from the South and sat in judgement for forty days;
And from the Shore a voice cried ''Hearken, I bring glad tidings of A great widening of the waters;''
And lo! Many strange miracles were wrought in the land of coal and steel from that day;
And they that had ears to hear and eyes to see rejoiced.
(But the Herodians plotted that they might destroy him and the archangel Michael marvelled because of their unbelief)
Revelation chapter 70 s.182-3 sched. 16
Original at Sheffield City Archives: SYCC/PL/31/13 (altrefno: SYCC CB 681) |