Record Detail

Rehabilitation Unit (care of the elderly), Lodge Moor Hospital

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Rehabilitation Unit (care of the elderly), Lodge Moor Hospital
Sheffield City Libraries

Lodge Moor Hospital was originally built in 1887, opening its 12 wooden wards on the 20th February 1888 as the Borough Smallpox Hospital. By June 1998 it was decided to add permanant stone buildings to comprise of accommodation for 146 patients. The administation block and isolation wards were occupied in 1901 and 6 wards each with 22 beds were completed by 1902. The clock tower and the lodge at the main gates were completed in May 1903. For more information see: Lodge Moor Hospital 1887-1987, Lodge Moor Cenenary Brochure Ref: 362.11. See also The Hospital on the Moor, the spinal injuries unit Lodge Moor by Ella Goddard Ref: 362.197482.

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