Record Detail

Theatre Royal playbill: The Carpenter of Rouen, etc., 24-25 Jan 1859

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Theatre Royal playbill: The Carpenter of Rouen, etc., 24-25 Jan 1859

Theatre Royal,

Last night's but three of the season.

Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 24 and 25

For theBenefit


Mr Wilmer

(box keeper)

on Monday, January 24th, 1858.

The Swiss Cottage

will be repeated by desire.

The Unfinished Gentleman

will be presented for the first time this season.

On Monday and Tuesday evenings, Jan 24 and 25, 1859,

The performances will commence with a drama, in four acts, called The

Carpenter of Rouen.

After which, the Glee of

Fill the Shining Goblet by four Sheffield amateurs.

To be followed by the elegant comedietta of

The Swiss Cottage

or, Why Don't She Marry!

The Sheffield amateurs will sing the following glees:

Willie Brew’d a Peck O’Malt

(in commemoration of the birthday of Robert Burns)

Fair Flora Decks, and Victoria, England's Queen.

To conclude with The

Unfinished Gentleman!

Mr Charles Dillon.

This eminent actor will make his last appearance this season, on

Friday evening next, Jan 28th, 1859,

the entertainments being for his benefit, and positively the last night.

[Performers]: Mr Barton, Miss Ellen Boyce, Mr Campbell, Mr Castroni, Mr Denial, Mr Forrest, , Mr G. Harris, Mr Charles Horman,  Mrs Charles Horman,  Miss Ransome, Mr Robins, Mr W. H. Simpson, Mr Charles Steyne, Mrs Charles Steyne, Mr Tyrrell, Mrs Warlow, Miss Eliza Webb.

Boxes 3s., Stalls, 2s., Pit 1s., Gallery 6d.

Doors open at quarter past six, to commence at a quarter-to-seven. No smoking allowed. Children in arms not admitted.

Places may be secured Mr. Evans’, Music Saloon, where plan of the boxes may be seen.

J. Pearce, jun., Printer, Daily Telegraph Office, Aldine Court, High Street, Sheffield.

Original at Sheffield City Archives: BC/16/75.

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